Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Tomorrow my goal is to go out and buy some ingredients to make green juice and to buy a whole lot of fruits and veggies (as much as my money will allow)

Yay tomorrow is my first day making a green juice!  I still have to find a recipe i want to make (although i have 2 raw recipe books, ill probably post a review of the books later too)...

Oh and my kitchen is seriously lacking.  We have a juicer (which i can use for making juice), a coffee grinder (which i can use to grind nuts) and the oven (which i can use as a rather unproductive dehydrator) and thats it.

My goal is to buy a vita mix! Ive heard and seen them do great things.  This is the vita mix site, the video is of making ice cream with it.  Anyway, im going to start saving my money now, as they cost nearly $500.  As for a blender for right now, my friends crappy one will have to do.


Steve Pavlina, an inspirational blogger, has done an abrupt 30-Day raw food diet to see its effects.  He documents the whole 30 days in great detail (this is his Day 1) and the effects are pretty astounding.

Oh and pretty soon ill be making the delicious food up above. :p  It looks simply mouthwatering.

pictures from:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

What can you do to be happier, lose weight and even think more clearly?!

Eat raw!
Or so supposedly... 

I was reading about the master cleanse detox and i stumbled upon a raw food website... and i ussually ignore the topic of raw food, ive heard about it before but ive just never read WHAT it was about.  For some reason i started reading about it and it all MADE SENSE!  

So here i am, completely excited about transitioning into raw food, so excited in fact that i started my own blog to journalize my experiences. =) I did this also to get involved in the raw community since i dont personally know any raw foodists.  Also to help me STICK with it!

Im excited for the journey to begin! Basically this blog is going to describe my trials and tribulations with raw food.  Im going to try to write everyday, post what i ate and how my recipes came out.. those types of things.

Originally i wanted to go straight go on an all raw food diet from the beginning... but this is proving to be a problem due to lack of funds (haha i need a job!) and my social life (i mean how do you go about going out for coffee or dinner with friends?)  So now im thinking im going to ease into it, trying out new recipes when i can and eating more fruit and veggies throughout the day.  My goal is by June 30, 2009 to be eating mostly raw. Wow i am really excited about this!  So many people report the amazing effects of eating all raw, i just cant wait to see and try this out for myself.