Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Tomorrow my goal is to go out and buy some ingredients to make green juice and to buy a whole lot of fruits and veggies (as much as my money will allow)

Yay tomorrow is my first day making a green juice!  I still have to find a recipe i want to make (although i have 2 raw recipe books, ill probably post a review of the books later too)...

Oh and my kitchen is seriously lacking.  We have a juicer (which i can use for making juice), a coffee grinder (which i can use to grind nuts) and the oven (which i can use as a rather unproductive dehydrator) and thats it.

My goal is to buy a vita mix! Ive heard and seen them do great things.  This is the vita mix site, the video is of making ice cream with it.  Anyway, im going to start saving my money now, as they cost nearly $500.  As for a blender for right now, my friends crappy one will have to do.

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